Sabtu, 29 September 2012


This blog about Free Download full Openings / Opening [op] and Endings / Ending [Ed] anime [C] THE MONEY OF SOUL AND POSSIBILITY you don’t have to register or pay to download. It’s easy and free.But if you find several link don`t work or the file was deleted, tell me please. Before you download, make sure right click on link download, then choose "Open Link in New Tab". Contact me if you are going to request the other version from opening or ending this anime. Example: karaoke version, instrumental version, TV size version, Character single, main theme, or Soundtrack music of this anime. I take seriously with all your comment and request. Free download music/songs(mp3) ost.Anime _-_ Don't forget to come back here again.

C Original Soundtrack
Not everyone believes in the same thing, not everyone sees things the same way. Some people live for the future and others live in the moment. That seems to be the basic underling philosophical concept explored in this anime, and the fate of Japan depends on how the main characters handle this question. They certainly could have done a better job at exploring the concept, but for an 11 episode anime you can't really fault them for giving it a good try.

Some people will dislike the philosophical nature of this show, they might even consider it to be contrived and convoluted, and an unnecessary addition to an otherwise great anime. It is of course moderately convoluted and hard to understand at points, with small holes in the plot and a lack of some character development. However, this anime is attempting to explore complex philosophical questions that don't necessarily have one right answer.

[Last Updated: Aug 31st, 2012]
re upload theme song.

Opening Theme:
"Matoryoshika" by NICO Touches the Walls [Download]

Ending Theme:
"RPG" by School Food Punishment [Download]

Insert Song:
High Heel Shoes In Pink by Kayako ISHUU [Download]

C Original Soundtrack [DL]
Track list: 
01. High Heel Shoes In Pink
02. Invisible Hand
03. Stay away from blood money!
04. incence
05. Mere child’s play
06. Taxi heaven
07. Key currency
08. H.W.Complex no’1
09. Prospect theory
10. Bondage head
11. antiphona
12. Marx Syndrome
13. Public acceptance
14. Charlie’s suffering
15. Passed off
16. opus
17. Sabbaticus
18. H.W.Complex no’2
19. Insight
20. C
21. The Wealth of Nations
22. High Heel Shoes In Pink (pf version)
23. マトリョーシカ (TV Version)
24. RPG (TVサイズ)

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